1 Product
Collection: Magnetomatic Pipe Locator
The Magnetomatic Pipe and Cable Locator is a highly sensitive instrument designed to locate the following pipes and cables underground or underwater: Iron or Steel Pipe, Plastic Pipe (PVC) with or without magnetic tracers, Electrical Cables, Telephone Cables, Fiber Optic Cables, Conduit, Ceramic Pipe, Transit Pipe, Concrete Pipe, Asbestos Cement Pipe The Magnetomatic Pipe Locator has been designed, engineered and field tested to ensure reliability and accuracy. It is sold worldwide and is being used successfully by municipal water and sewer departments, contractors, excavators, telephone companies, plumbers, Rent-All shops, rural water systems and many others. The principle of the Magnetomatic Pipe Locator has been successfully used for centuries employing a variety of materials with varying degrees of effectiveness. Easy-to-follow instructions are included with each unit. Features: No dials. No batteries. No intricate mechanisms to fail. Only one moving assembly - MUST READ INSTRUCTIONS. Must fully extend antenna and then bend like picture. We guarantee this works. We guarantee success in finding what you need. 1 pipe locator is great. 2 pipe locators will cross paths if you hold one in each hand.